Sunday, 7 November 2010


Cheese stars are essentially cheese straws cut into the uniform shapes to please anal people such as myself. My mum made them when she needed to use up some leftover puff pastry and they were always a firm favourite with my dad and brother, especially served warm straight from the oven.

Since appointing myself the family chef, my brother demands them most holidays and, after years of trial and error, I can tell you that the secret to successful cheese stars (or whatever shape takes your fancy) is... Cheese. And lots of it.

In fact, I’m not sure a recipe is really required for this one, but here goes...


500g pack of puff pastry
An inordinate amount of cheddar cheese, grated
Ground white pepper
1 egg, beaten
Flour, for dusting


1) Preheat the oven to a moderate heat – say, around 190 to 200 degrees.

2) Grate as much cheese as you dare. My brother regularly challenges me to cram more cheese than pastry into these babies, but this is quite a complicated culinary feat. I know – I’ve tried.

3) Roll your puff pastry out onto a floured surface. Cover generously with about a third of your grated cheese and sprinkle with a bit of pepper. Fold up the pastry and roll it out again to combine the cheese.

4) Repeat as many times as you can until you’ve incorporated as much cheese as humanly possible.

5) Roll your pastry to the thickness of about a centimetre and cut into stars, straws or whatever pleases you and arrange on a silicone or non-stick baking tray. Brush with the beaten egg. Sprinkle with extra cheese for good measure.

6) Bake in a moderate oven for 15 to 20 minutes until golden and oozing with cheese. Serve warm.

And that’s it. Next stop – deep-fried Mars bars...

Sunday, 17 October 2010


Don’t you just love those two Hairy Bikers? I know I do. I was watching re-runs of Dave and Si’s Mums Know Best show the other day and I do adore how they cook up crazily calorific food and try to pass it off as good, old-fashioned family favourites. Wholesome stuff. But do ‘mams’ know best, boys? Really? Because I swear I just saw one mother deep-fry haggis wrapped in tortilla bread. (She was Scottish – say no more.) And another mum dish up a dinner consisting of nothing but baked breadcrumbs and cheese. I don’t think this bodes well for the obesity epidemic.

Still, this show makes me wonder what kind of amazing meals I’ll cook up for my future family. I see my idealised self serving up meat and two veg followed by a bracing walk in the country. I’ll pack my kids off to school with perfect lunchboxes brimming with carrot sticks, and not a Wagon Wheel in sight. An apple or a handful of goji berries will be a treat. Who knows, maybe I’ll even ban TV and make them eat mung beans when I finally morph into Gwyneth Paltrow.

Nope, I won’t be like cheese or haggis lady. Or that teen mum with the tramp-stamp I saw on the bus the other day giving her baby a bottle of Dr Pepper to drink. Not me.

I will be a model mother...

And then I realise – I’m the kind of person who’s capable of consuming an entire tub of Ben & Jerry’s for lunch. Yep, lunch! Eating habits as erratic and unhealthy as mine are hardly going to set a good example for my future offspring. I couldn’t even get my ex-dog’s diet right. I spurned that special, expensive stuff they try to flog you down the vet’s in favour of, well... Any old crap, really.

Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of my dead dog’s eating career... Leftovers galore. Christmas dinner. A whole Christmas pudding, uncooked – including the best part of the broken Pyrex dish he’d smashed when pulling said pudding off the kitchen counter. Seventeen tea-towels. The corner of an MDF cupboard. The Vaseline and chilli powder mixture smeared on the corner of said cupboard to stop him chewing it. A feather pillow. Pondweed. Pebbles. Sand. His own vomit. The crotch out of my brother’s pants. A sparerib, whole, which then had to be extracted from his backside – whole. And, reluctantly, dog food.

He couldn’t abide cucumbers though. Go figure.

Conclusion? My kids are going to be fucked up fatties. So what the hell! I’m gonna embrace my inner irresponsible fat mam and share my equivalent of cheese lady’s family favourite. Cheese stars.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

POST 10, PART II: WHEN I’M 64...

Now, people, forget dead presidents and princesses – I want you to make a mental note of where you are and what you’re doing at this precise moment... Because (drumroll, please) I am now the proud owner of a Le Creuset casserole dish. I know, I know – truly momentous news, huh? Mum finally caved for the occasion of my, ahem, 29th birthday. Good ole mum. So this is just the motivation I need to brush up my stew-making skills and future-proof my future marriage.

Here’s a lovely stew perfect for the final throes of summer – lamb stew with minty dumplings...

(Serves four)

1kg stewing lamb
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Knob of butter
1/2 an onion, sliced
1 1/2 pints stock (lamb, chicken or vegetable)
2 carrots, thickly sliced
2 large potatoes, cubed
150g frozen peas
Salt and pepper
1 tbsp chopped parsley to serve

100g self-raising flour
50g suet
Pinch of salt
1 tbsp fresh mint, chopped
2 tbsp water


1) Brown the meat in the oil and butter (the oil stops the butter burning – I think everyone knows that these days though...) and then add the onion and salt, and cook until softened.

2) Pour in the stock and throw in the carrots and potatoes. Leave to simmer for a good hour and a half over a moderate heat. The lamb should be nice and tender by now.

3) To make the dumpling, sift the flour into a bowl and add the suet, salt and chopped mint. Sprinkle the water over and bring together to make a soft dough, adding a drop or two more water if needed. Form into eight golf-ball sized balls.

4) Plop the dumplings into the stew and cook for a further 20 minutes until the dumplings have puffed up and are almost done. Stir in your frozen peas and cook for another 10 minutes .

5) Season with black pepper and more salt if required and serve.

What we need in this country is another bloody war, I tell you. A proper war, preferably closer to home so it’s not just something on the telly. Now, there are some naysayers who’ll tell you that war is hell and has a tendency to decrease the male population, yadda yadda yadda... But the fact of the matter is my granny had a whale of a time, thanks to Hitler and The Jerries. Not to mention a few American GIs passing through. We like a man in uniform, us girls. Sixty-some-odd years of happy marriage based on your dad yelling that this was one John you wouldn’t be writing a ‘Dear John’ letter to! So I say to those naysayers, keep your hand on your ha’penny like my granny always claimed she did and I’ll mop up the cream of the nation’s heroes come World War III.

See, for all those lads returning home from the horrors of war in search of a hot dinner and an honest bit of ‘how’s yer father’, marriage was the only option. And so if I can’t convince a man that marrying me is marginally more appealing than the past few years spent in a Japanese prisoner of war camp or nuclear wasteland, or similar such treats that England versus Germany ‘take three’ brings, I’m taking you all to hell in the proverbial handcart with me.

The only other solution I’ve come up with for the terminally single is some sort of lottery system that will see us ‘buddy up’ with a fellow OAP, like it or lump it. Because Lord knows our kids aren’t going to take care of us. Not when those hover-boards finally come in.

So lottery it is.

Ouch. You drew Beryl, a demented 93-year-old with a weak bladder who’s gagging to give your life savings away to some gypsy rogue trader come to re-tarmac your drive? Well, tough titties, gramps. Coz I got Harold, a relatively hot 77-year-old who’s gonna have to rub ointment into my ballooning knees, night after night, until he pops his clogs in his sleep. Quietly and conveniently. Leaving me comfortably well off enough to finally take that cruise I’ve always fancied...

I’m erring on the side of option one – war. Because rationing will really help with my fat knees, killing two birds with one stone.

Single women on the world – are you free Friday night? Very probably. Fancy invading Poland with me then?!

My favourite illustration yet by Bex Barrow.

Apologies for the massive dramatic pause between posts, btw. I had the audacity to switch internet service providers, which led to all sorts of fun and games – including no internet for the best part of three weeks – and kinda got me out of the habit of writing these things. But I’m back, back, back now! Hurrah!

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

POST 10, PART I: WHEN I’M 64...

We’ll hopefully have the whole voluntary euthanasia thing sorted. Or, failing that, legalise the efficient despatch of sleeping OAPs with pillows, providing your reasons are entirely selfless. Like your mum’s lost her marbles, say. She’s just a drooling vegetable taking up a hospital bed that’s so desperately needed to give the obese toddlers of the not-so-distant-future a gastric bypass. Or she’s announced she’s blowing your inheritance on a cruise. Any court of law can see that a 70-year-old woman swanning off on a cruise when you’re struggling with a family, a mortgage and repayments on that hover-board you’ve been wanting ever since you first saw Back to the Future II is madness. And, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, therefore legally justifiable grounds to get all Harold Shipman on her incontinent ass. I rest my case.

Because – let’s face it, folks ­– getting old sucks. And I mean proper old. I’m totally at peace with spending a second year at 29. I’m talking 89. That’s old. And, as a case in point, my dear granny happens to be both 89 and, thus, officially old. I went to see her this weekend. It’s been a while since my last trip and I guess she’s at that stage where, well... There’s this great Lily Tomlin line – “Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse”. That pretty much sums it up.

She’s always had her ailments and complaints – in fact, she’s quite the drama queen and even seemed to revel in the gloom and doom of her latest diagnosis or hospital stay. This is a woman who once cried “stroke!” when we rebelled against early arrival on a Sunday as instructed (why is it the older people get, the earlier and earlier they get up?!) and we had to dial 999 for a hissy fit. Death’s probably not a-knocking at your door when you’ve got the audacity to complain to paramedics that the siren is too loud and the ride too bumpy. “I definitely did feel a stroke coming on”, she insisted. Hmm... Perhaps those five hours spent trying to explain/yell her ‘symptoms’ to that brown doctor with the terrible English acted as some kind of miracle cure..?

But there’s a marked change in her. In her heyday, she was the life and soul of the party and, as such, her dogged refusal to accept her limitations in later life has been a recipe for disaster. Have you ever tried getting a heavy suitcase across central London? Train it, tube it, taxi it – whatever, it’s a nightmare. Now try getting a fairly hefty old lady in a wheelchair across town – and then up Tower Bridge, the world’s most inconvenient wedding venue. Via a really small lift that she’s trying to jam you into as well because she’s developed a sudden and super-dramatic fear of enclosed spaces. And then do it all again in reverse order. They should make it an Olympic sport, it’s such bloody hard work. But did that stop her nagging the world and his wife to – p-l-e-a-s-e! – take her on holiday to Portugal or Spain, or somewhere? Even Devon or Cornwall would do..? Or maybe the moon..?

Did it heck! Until now...

She turned down a funeral the other day, which says it all – she flippin’ loves a funeral! She’s lost interest in all forms of entertainment aside from snooker, which is another worrying sign... And her speedometer’s dropped to tortoise. After it’s been picked up and turned in the opposite direction by its annoying child owner for the umpteenth time and really can’t be arsed anymore. Even food – one of her life’s great pleasures (like grandmother, like granddaughter) – is a challenge too far. I treated her to lunch at a posh pub this weekend... But eating out isn’t quite as much fun when you’re making your menu choices according to what’s mushiest. There’s, um, stew...

And – argh! – soup! Book me on the next flight to Switzerland! Now!

She went for moules mariniere and I tried not to watch. Or laugh at an old lady’s befuddlement upon being served dessert in a jam jar on a piece of slate. Because I’m sure I’ll be just the same when my crème brulee arrives in a rusted tuna tin on an old piece of crazy-paving 60 years from now.

Conclusion – sadly, even a lunchtime jaunt is coming too much for her. Never in all my drinking career has the short walk from pavement to pub seemed so epic. It’s her legs, you see – I’ll spare you the details... But given my generous thighs and fat knees have caused me nothing but grief so far, I’m now convinced they’ll be the death of me too.

And, thing is, my granny is one of the lucky ones. She had my granddad to grow old and grey with until relatively recently. God knows she’d rather he were rubbing lotion into her creaking, weeping nooks and crannies than my reluctant nurse of a mother. So all this has got me wondering – who’s going to need me and, more importantly, feed me when I’m 64? Never mind the fairytale marriage, the growing family and mortgage, or even starting to see the merits of a life insurance policy sold by Parky and appeal of a cruise. I need to think long-term. Because, ladies, we’re in this for the long-haul, thanks to our longer life expectancy.

I need to find someone to grow old and grey with.

In short, I need to work on my stew.

Sunday, 11 July 2010


So, pecan pie...


120g plain flour
60g cold butter, diced
1 tbsp maple syrup
2 tbsp ice-cold water

2 eggs, beaten
50g butter, melted
100g soft dark brown sugar
4 tbsp golden syrup
2 tbsp maple syrup
175g pecan halves


1) Pulse the flour and butter in a food processor until they resemble breadcrumbs. Add the syrup (just to sweeten the pastry) and add the water one tablespoon at a time until it binds together. Cover the ball of pastry in clingfilm and pop in the freezer for one hour.

2) Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

3) This is going to sound odd, but coarsely grate the frozen pastry and then press it out into a 9in/23cm pie tin with your fingers. I came across this pastry method in the wonderful Waitrose magazine and it really is worth trying – it’s much lighter and more delicate than other pastries. The uneven, ‘frilly’ edges also give your pie a certain rustic charm.

4) For wetter pies/tarts like this, I’ve found it’s best to blind-bake the base for about 10 minutes until the base is just cooked through, so do that while you make the filling. No need for baking balls or any of that as it won’t puff up. But word to the wise, here – don’t use a pie tin with perforated holes at the base as it will leak!

5) Melt the butter for the filling over a gentle heat until it just turns a light golden brown (not burnt!). The technical term for this is beurre noisette and it gives the pie a nice toffee-nutty taste, if that makes sense. Set aside.

6) Mix the sugar and two syrups into the beaten egg. Loads of pecan pie recipes call for three eggs, but I find that’s one too many and leaves you with too much of an eggy taste, hence I omit one. And I like using a bit of maple syrup as it’s the perfect partner to pecans, IMHO. Stir in the butter.

7) Arrange the pecans in the pastry case, pour the liquid on top and transfer to the oven. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes before turning down to 180 degrees for a further 15 to 20 minutes. Turn out the tin when slightly cooled and serve warm or cold (when it’ll be even stickier!) with ice cream, cream or crème fraiche.

Ahh... One of the best things about writing this blog is that I get to whip up treats like this pie for no particular reason and then pig out. There’s a slice of the States on a plate, y’all! Now, I wonder how difficult it is to create an authentic Dunkin’ Donuts experience in my own kitchen? Or get a pretzel inside an M&M..? Both delicacies I didn’t eat while in New York. I did, however, enjoy my very first Subway and a dinner consisting entirely of crisps, thanks to my brother’s gastronomic discerning.

But before you go thinking we had an entirely terrible time, we did manage to pack in plenty of fun stuff around the, er, hiccups... Up the Empire State Building. Circle Line boat tour to see Lady Liberty. Central Park, even though we got lost for a further hour after I said I had to go home and thought my feet were going to fall off. Having a wee at the United Nations knowing I was on international soil. Oh, and ogling all the True Blood season three billboards. So all good, cultural stuff.

I guess we got off to a bad start, is all... On our first night at the hotel, I woke up around 3.00am after having a bellyful of Diazepam, beer and no sleep for some 24 hours in an effort to beat jet-lag to find our bathroom completely flooded. There was a good inch of water on the floor, which was seeping out onto the bedroom carpet – all a bit Fear and Loathing. No sooner had I sleepily tossed a towel down – about as much use as bailing out a sinking ship with a teaspoon – than hotel staff were banging on our door. Water was dripping down into the room below, so they promptly moved us.

All of which I apparently found hilarious at the time, judging by the photos I took to document the whole sorry affair. ‘Their leak, their problem’, I figured. The next morning, not so much... The hotel manager rejected our leak theory in favour of a tap left running. My brother had no recollection of the night’s proceedings. But, to me, a leak seemed the only logical explanation. So we tried to carry on our holiday regardless. Which isn’t easy when your brother’s secretly worrying he had the bright idea of running a midnight bath in a highly litigious society. And so, at the end of a hideous day spent trailing solemnly around the Financial District contemplating the atrocities of 9/11 in between my throwing up with heatstroke, I realised that my life movie more closely resembled The Hangover.

A review of the evidence – photo times, a pair of wet socks and the fact that we are a couple of British binge-drinking buffoons – revealed that we were guilty as charged, m’lord. The likelihood being that one of us (ie, my brother) left the tap running for some three hours til it overwhelmed the overflow before he finally turned it off without doing a thing about the water, all while I was sound asleep. I think his soggy socks would be enough to convict him in a court of law.

So I phoned the manager and fessed up. And cried. Because I’m good at that. And after leaving us to stew for a few days that lovely, lovely Ace Hotel let us off the hook without charging us a penny! Which was the best un-30th-birthday present I could have wished for!

Plus has also stopped me filing for divorce from my drunk and disorderly brother. The end.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010


So, 29 again... No, seriously – I’m still 29! Forget that 30th birthday update I promised. See, I made the mistake of heading off on holiday with my brother for lack of a more suitable companion, which turned out to be perfect preparation for being (fingers crossed, someday) unhappily married. And as he made almost zero effort to mark my big day, I figure I get a free pass.

Yep, we must have looked like ‘that’ couple... Shared surname, but we’re checking we’ve got separate beds booked the moment we check into the hotel. Sitting in silence at either side of the table, masticating. Miserable. No sex, which kinda goes without saying – in fact, I feel pretty weird to have pointed that out to you, but, dammit, it’s a good analogy so I’m going with it!

I mean, sure, we love and occasionally even like each other on some level – usually when we’re drinking or a close relation has died. But aside from that our God-given mission is to provoke and generally piss off our worser half by being as inconsiderate and uncaring as we can be. My brother, for instance, believes conversation and mutually enjoyable activities to be optional on even a day as delicate as my hitting the big 3-0. So, having tearily hit 30 in a toilet UK time (as mentioned in my last post) I woke up Officially Old in New York to my brother grunting “happy birthday” from his bed before dragging me off on a ‘surprise’ trip to... An aircraft museum. His treat. I kid you not.

Now, to be fair, this was the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, which is pretty frikkin’ cool, even for a girl. You get to go inside a Cold War submarine and everything! But, see, my role in this unhappy marriage is to sulk. And sometimes cry. But claim in a high-pitched, whiney voice that,“I’m fine, it’s fine, absolutely fine, whatever you want to do is fine,” and so on and so forth. Until I cry again.

So after stomping around this fuck-off big boat for a few hours, I was ready to eat. And drink. “I’m not really all that hungry,” my beloved brother remarked. “It’s too hot to eat. Maybe we should just get a McDonald’s.” At which point I vowed to never – ever! – go on holiday with him again. And told him in no uncertain terms I would not be dining at a McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway or Wendy’s or whatever else unremarkable eatery he had in mind on my 30th birthday of all days and was very far from fine. So together we stomped off to the Meatpacking District, stopping at every bar we could find en route to drink until we forgot why we were so hacked off with each other in the first place.

But the Big Apple is just so darn big, isn’t it? And he insisted on us walking everywhere, the bastard. My feet are still in bits... So, in spite of my best efforts, I pretty much metabolised every last drop of alcohol as we traipsed from one block to the next in the blistering heat. But I was feeling chipper and looking forward to ‘getting my drink on’ once I’d got a good meal down me.

And then it started to rain. Boy, did it rain! New York does not do things by half! Thunder, lightening. Rain, rain, rain, rain. We like to think we know rain back in Blighty, but that rain – it was like having a bath-full of water chucked over your head. We were soaked and in no fit state to go to some trendy bar. So it was back to the hotel for us, in theory to spruce ourselves up for my big night out. But then I cracked open the bottle of red wine sitting atop the mini-bar and... And before I knew it we were eating a burger because I sorta had to admit it was too hot to eat (a Breslin Burger ordered from Ace Hotel room service I hasten to add, possibly the best burger I’ve ever eaten).

But then my brother passed out with the booze he hadn’t burned off and the jet-lag he definitely didn’t have. Out. For. The. Count. So that was that. As we’d kind of had our mini-bar key confiscated earlier in the week for reasons I’ll explain in Thursday’s finale, I necked a couple of the Diazepam I’d been prescribed for the plane for wont of something more intoxicating and polished off the last of the red wine while watching CNN. Only to wake up a couple of hours later having spilled that last half glass all over my pyjamas and the white linen.

Hardly fitting behaviour for a woman of 30. Which is why I’m remaining 29 until further notice.

So as we’re in need of a dessert to round-off the roast dinner from last post, I’ve decided to make a pecan pie in tribute to all the delicious American specialities I failed to devour while in New York...

Thanks (I think!) to Bex for the illustration - we don't really look like that! Xxx

Saturday, 3 July 2010


Right, recipe for roast pork loin with proper crackling... I adapted this recipe from a Jamie Oliver one that involves roasting a much bigger hunk of meat over bones, which seemed a bit of a palaver to me so I’ve just nicked the seasonings, really.

(Serves four)

1.5lb pork loin
Boiled water
Coarse sea salt

1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
3 cloves garlic, crushed

Drizzle of olive oil
2 large carrots, washed and cut into rough chunks
3 celery sticks, washed and cut into rough chunks
1 onion, sliced
2 bay leaves
Good glug of balsamic vinegar


1) Preheat your oven to its highest setting. Meanwhile, get cracking on your crackling – score the skin all over with a super-sharp knife in a crisscross pattern. Place the loin on a rack over your sink and pour a kettle-full of boiling water over it – this helps dry out the skin and open up the cuts. Dry thoroughly with kitchen towel. Rub generously with sea salt, really working it deep into the incisions to draw out the moisture. If I’ve got time, I like to leave the meat sitting there like that for an hour as all meat is better cooked from room temperature anyway, plus the dryer the skin is the better. I do take pride in my crackling, even though I never eat the stuff – this is one of the last meals I cooked my granddad and I remember him being terribly impressed. Good crackling is the mark of a good woman as far as he was concerned!

2) Drizzle the bottom of a roasting tin with olive oil and chuck in the carrots, celery, onion and bay leaves. Splash with balsamic vinegar – about six tablespoons is right and (IMHO) the syrupy, sweet Belazu Balsamic Vinegar is the best. Cover with about half a pint of water and place a roasting rack on top. Sit your pork loin on this and rub the skin with the rosemary, fennel seeds and garlic.

3) Roast at your highest temperature for 30 minutes and then turn the oven down to about 220 degrees. The meat will then need 30 minutes per pound, so time according to the weight you’ve bought. Another good crackling tip I heard recently was to open the oven door every 20 minutes or so for just a few seconds to let the steam escape, which seems to work. When cooking time is complete, rest your meat for at least 10 minutes.

4) What I love about this recipe is that it makes for foolproof gravy. A good mum must make good gravy – mine does, thank God, as my own efforts are consistently ghastly. I think it’s because I find the final throes of a roast dinner so stressful – the carrots are overcooked while the cabbage is raw, plus I’ve forgotten to heat the plates... So I panic when it comes to gravy, my Achilles heel. I once ruined a Christmas dinner subscribing to my ‘more is more’ policy when it comes to wine and made gravy that tasted like you’d just spilled a whole glass of Chardonnay over your turkey. But this is so simple even I can’t screw it up. Sieve the liquid at the bottom of your roasting pan into a pint jug, giving the veg a good squish to get the juices out. Leave it to settle for a few minutes so you can skim off the fat. Meanwhile, melt a knob of butter in a pan over a gentle heat and whisk in a tablespoon of flour or cornflour to create a roux, then gradually whisk in the liquid to make a gravy. Job done!

5) Serve with steamed carrots, green veg and – what else?! – roast potatoes. And on the subject of tatties, I have Queen Nigella to thank for the best potato tip ever – rather than cutting your average-sized potato into straight quarters, you cut it into three on an angle, thereby creating the optimum surface area for roasting. Devilishly simple! Nigella’s ‘patented roast potato technique’ as she called it on her show. You will never chop potatoes for roasting the same way again, promise.

So, future kids – this is the one roast dinner you can look forward to without having to stomach my terrible homemade gravy. Or maybe I’ll have surrendered to the Bisto and Aunt Bessie’s by then...

The closest I’ve come to motherhood was a bad case of constipation three Christmases ago. It had been a full three months since I’d last slept with someone – whilst on the pill and using a condom, plus I’d had my period in between – so it was absurd. But I do worry about the prospect of unwanted pregnancy... I once had a fumble in the silver closet with a sergeant twice my age when I was in the army (working as a mess waitress at sweet 16, but it sounds better that way). I spent a full week worrying I was pregnant even though no bodily fluids were exchanged and I was wearing tights the whole time. I swear you could stand me next to a man in full raincoat and galoshes and it would still cross my mind I’m up the duff next time I feel a bit fat and full.

So, yeah, that Christmas I spent a lot of time thinking about babies and becoming a mum... It was the first one we’d spent without the family dog (Jack, RIP) and I figured a toddler would be the next best thing to dress up in novelty reindeer antlers and go crazy for wrapping paper. Yep, motherhood sure would beat the umpteenth game of Scrabble. Not to mention make my annual demands to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol seem a lot less retarded...

However, there was a good deal of drinking to be done, and so I delayed doing a pregnancy test until January 2nd and hence spent my sober moments weighing up the pros and cons of the wretched life ahead of me caring for my horribly booze-damaged baby against a bottle of gin and a hot bath. When it just turned out to be one too many roast potatoes.

I think we can all agree I’m going to make one heck of a mother. Good job I’m back on the pill, eh?

Illustration by Bex.

Monday, 28 June 2010


Men of the world, rest easy. I have put myself back on the contraceptive pill. Phew!

I secretly took myself off-pill some nine months ago (ironically) in hopes of adding a certain sense of possibility and risk to my otherwise rather dull existence. Shake things up a bit with that ‘what if?’ vibe. And to lose weight, of course. But, guess what? No baby. Unless I’m gestating an elephant, which would explain a lot. Particularly the weight gain as opposed to the weight loss... But given I haven’t had sex with man or beast within the conventional timeframe for bringing an infant of almost any species into this world, this is hardly surprising news.

Unless this is the Second Coming – assuming God is giving time off for good behaviour these days.

But clearly playing Russian roulette with your fertility and future isn’t big and it isn’t clever. And if (if only!) there was a loaded gun around I’d have certainly downed weapons and declared a cease fire – I have no desire to trick someone into getting me up the duff. Scout’s honour, and all that stuff. No, a ‘happy accident’ with a condom was the theory... Because sometimes I think that’s the best I can hope for. I seriously can’t picture meeting, marrying, mortgaging and procreating with a man in the conventional sense. Coz in practice... Hell, I can’t even be trusted to remove my eye makeup at the end of the average evening out, so how can I hope to find a suitable mate in that state?!

But then there’s this fantasy of my future self... With the hubby, the 2.4 children and our pet Labrador. The house in the country with the heffing great farmhouse kitchen. Me, getting the Sunday lunch on. Knocking up a batch of gingerbread men for the village fete. In the Aga. Basically, I’m Kirstie Allsopp. But then you hit 30* and that just hasn’t happened. And you hear your mother say, “When I was your age I was married with two kids” for the zillionth time, and you wonder – is this ever going to happen? Like, ever?!

When you even struggle to get to the bit where there’s talk of taking a mini-break and maybe moving in. When you rule out perfectly acceptable chaps from the get-go because you prefer brown eyes to blue and simply cannot tolerate someone who thinks apostrophes are optional or puts Ketchup on their roast dinner. When you shudder at the thought of spending a further five minutes with some of the halfwits you happened to have shagged, let alone the next 18 years. When you looked at baby photos of the last man you were supposedly in love with and deemed his head funny-shaped, and hence him unsuitable breeding fodder – seriously, what hope is there?!

(To my future blue-eyed, Frankenstein-headed offspring, if you’re reading this – there was a fuck-up at the sperm bank, for which that doctor paid dearly. Mummy loves you really. Provided she doesn’t look you directly in the face.)

So, after a lot of soul-searching, I’m back on the pill. Because I’ll be damned if I’m spending my 30s spotty. Honestly – my skin is an outrage! Zits everywhere! Plus my boobs have shrunk too, which just takes the biscuit. But rather than spend my Sunday afternoon obsessing over how my teenage skin contrasts with my National Geographic breasts (which is what I have been doing), in white picket fence world I am preparing Sunday lunch for the family. So I thought I’d take this opportunity to share my favourite roast recipe with you...

*Crying in a New York City bar restroom, fyi, midnight UK time so therefore officially the 22nd June, but 7pm State-side the day before – but more on that in post nine as I have to write these in advance for Bex to do the pictures!

Thursday, 17 June 2010


So as I clopped down the stairs this morning looking like I’d been dipped in Accessorize to pick up my plate of cakey-cakes, it suddenly hit me – I am such an utter twat! What the hell am I doing bringing homemade cakes to work?! I’m trying to get a promotion and payrise, for fuck’s sake! And, besides, I could never truly love a man who works in IT and has terrible taste in jumpers.

Hence I’m chickening out of taking the cakes to work. But don’t let that stop you baking them because they are scrumptious.

Guess it’s back to for me. But what in the name of Peggy Mitchell is going on in the world of internet dating, people?! Is a weirdy-beardy who’s seen fit to put up photo after photo of his head simply taken from different angles by the camera in his computer the best I can hope for?! Even the bipolar trainee hypnotherapist I agreed to meet the other week (for reasons that now escape me) failed to work his magic. You’d think with skills like his, and standards as low and as random as mine, we’d be a perfect pairing.

Perhaps I should call him when he’s completed his course...

No. The only way to attract a better class of boyfriend is to embark on The Diet To End All Diets. Again. I don’t want to be medically normal, dammit! Don’t let the hotpants dream die, Amy! So it’s healthy eating for me from here on in... By God, maybe I’ll stop worrying what passersby think of me and go on that run I’m always talking about. Even if I do run like a henchman in a Bond movie...

Or do two weeks on the Special K Diet. Washed down with a fistful of laxatives. Ooh, I do enjoy a good crash diet, me. Even dabble with the odd eating disorder. One of my proudest achievements was when I didn’t eat anything for 10 entire days. I did that ‘lemonade diet’ where you just sip water with a bit of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper in it all day, every day. With a couple of laxatives for tea as a treat. So, quite literally, not a sausage. And while I did lose half-a-stone, I really wouldn’t recommend it if you need to do anything taxing – like think. Or get up from the sofa/bed when you will be spending the duration of your diet without fainting. You know you haven’t found a long-term solution when the highlight of your day is brushing your teeth.

As for the other options... Well, anorexia really isn’t for me. I ask you, have you ever tried to eat a tissue? It’s not terribly palatable. And the danger of regularly mixing bulimia with binge-drinking is that you quite often forget to throw up.

Losing weight is tough. Especially with four-and-twenty cakes to get down your gullet before The Diet To End All Diets can commence.

Which just goes to prove, you can’t have your cake and it eat it. Or ever expect to pull-off hotpants.

Illustration by Bex Barrow.

PS – we're having week off, folks, while I jet off to New York to turn 29 (again) / have a breakdown... See ya on the 28th June!

Sunday, 13 June 2010


Samuel Johnson sure got it right when he observed, “A man is never happy in the present unless he is drunk”. Happiness and the here and now rarely go hand-in-hand. Unless you’re pissed.

But, on occasions, it just isn’t practical or proper to get sozzled – you’ve got to operate heavy machinery or are on the verge of liver failure, say – so what’s the alternative? Impulse-buying a puppy? Heroin? Both worthy but rather drastic contenders. I, however, find nothing beats baking a cake for an instant happiness-fix.

Yep, baking cakes – particularly fairy cakes – makes me happy. Like, can’t-wipe-the-smile-off-my-face-while-I’m-doing-it happy. I guess it’s a girl thing. Having been taught to bake by my mum and granny, it brings fond memories of childhood flooding back... Of birthday parties, jelly and ice cream, and all those trestle tables heaving with sausages-on-sticks and bowls of Hula Hoops. My pink fairy princess party dress that I loved so much I forced my younger brother to wear it when I outgrew it. My grandma making a chocolate cake from the Cadbury’s cookbook and letting me lick the spoon – the yummiest, naughtiest treat there was back then. When no one worried about salmonella. And before she ruined it by covering it with cooking chocolate. (Why, granny? Why?!)

When I first started this blog I figured, if nothing it else, it will be the best excuse to make my favourite recipes and be a fat, greedy bitch. But in my mission to bag a boyfriend, I’ve decided to multi-task and whip up a batch of these amazing iced almond fairy cakes in a bid to impress a male colleague. I haven’t yet decided which male co-worker, I hasten to add – just resolved to find a work crush. It’s been ages since I’ve had one and I just find those fleeting moments of flirtation over the water-cooler we totally don’t have in my crappy office building make the urge to bash my forehead against my keyboard in abject disappointment and despair, again and again, so much less frequent. And it also motivates me to don earrings and high-heels, which I’m otherwise too lazy to wear.

There are no obvious contenders for the enviable position of My Boyfriend at present. All the best ones are taken, of course. But there are a couple of guys worth considering for a temporary role... Though I recently discovered that the favourite was only 23! What is it with me and younger men?! I wouldn’t mind, but being so horribly insecure and self-obsessed, I can’t help but think hooking up with boys of increasingly younger years reflects just how emotionally retarded I am. I recently ‘fessed up to my youngest yet. “Oh, God, Amy – is he even in sixthform?!” was the response. (He was 22. Well, nearly 22... And it was only a fling.)

I tried to convince someone I was a cougar the other day (no, not that kind – this kind). She called me a kiddie fiddler and said my love life was more Jeremy Kyle than primetime Courtney Cox show.

Moving swiftly on, let’s shake things up a bit this post by getting straight to the baking so as I can convince some unsuspecting and entirely unsuitable fella at work I would make a smashing wife.

(BTW, most of the recipes on here are old family favourites and ones I’ve made up or adapted beyond recognition. But, credit where credit’s due, I found this real gem of a recipe by food writer Sybil Kapoor in the Waitrose magazine a few years back and it’s since become part of my cooking arsenal. What I love about these cakes is that they cook really reliably – none of the random, ugly peaks you get with sponge cakes to cut off – and they stay super moist too. So do try them.)

(Makes 12 cakes)

100g butter, softened
100g caster sugar
2 medium eggs
25g plain flour
100g ground almonds
1tsp almond essence
2 tbsp milk

185g icing sugar
3 tbsp orange juice

Go crazy with 1 or 2 drops food colouring and/or decorate with hundreds and thousands!


1) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a cake tray with 12 paper cases.

2) Cream the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Having made these cakes more times than I care to remember, I reckon using an electric whisk produces the best results. I used my food processor the first few times and without enough air in them these cakes can come out quite dense. Do sample the mixture even at this early stage to check the buttery-sugary taste is just right.

3) Crack the eggs into the bowl and whisk before adding the flour, ground almonds, almond essence and milk, and mix well. Check that it’s the right consistency – ie, it drops easily from a spoon (and into your gob). If necessary, add a dash more milk. Taste, taste, taste.

4) Lick the whisk attachments clean.

5) Divide the mixture between the 12 cases. Or 11, depending how much raw cake mixture you’ve consumed. Pop the cakes in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes. Lick the bowl and any utensils clean while you wait. When they’re ready, the cakes will be golden brown and bounce back up when lightly pressed. Or do the cocktail-stick test – the skewer should come out clean when inserted. Or just eat one. Transfer the survivors to a wire rack to cool.

6) Sift the icing sugar into a bowl and slowly stir in the orange juice until you’ve got a thickish paste. Add a drop of food colouring if you’re using it. Remember to sample a teaspoon or two – it should be so sweet it makes your teeth ache.

7) Use a different teaspoon to drop some icing onto your cake, then smooth over with a knife dipped in boiled water. Decorate as you see fit – the girlier the better, in my book. Repeat until all your cakes are iced and decorated, and leave to dry.

Thanks to Bex for the fab illustration!

Thursday, 10 June 2010


Now, where were we? Oh, yes – scotch eggs. Here’s how I made ‘em...


100g white bread crumbs (that’s about four average-sized slices, to save you getting the scales out)
1 tsp paprika
Pinch of ground white pepper

400g sausages – ie, pack of six (buy the very best quality you can)
4 rashers sweet-cured bacon
1 tbsp fresh or dried herbs (to complement what’s in your sausages – ie, sage and parsley)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

8 medium eggs

Flour for dusting

Oil for deep frying


1) Blitz the bread, paprika and pepper into crumbs in a food processor. You can use fancy bread if you like, but I don’t think it makes all that much difference myself.

2) Place six of the eggs in a pan of cold water and bring to the boil and bubble away for four minutes. Don’t do what my mother always does at this point and leave them boiling away for hours as they’ll end up hard and rubbery, with a nasty grey around the yolk. Remove and plunge into cold water.

3) Pulse the bacon in the food processor with some fresh herbs if you’ve got some. Choose your herbs according to what’s in your sausages by checking the pack – sage and parsley are good with pork if you’ve got plain ones. Transfer the mixture to a bowl.

4) Split the sausages with a knife and ease the meat out the skins and into the bowl with the herby bacon. If you’re not using fresh, sprinkle some dried herbs in at this stage. Add seasoning to taste. Mix together with a fork. Divide the mixture into six balls.

5) Shake some plain flour into a bowl. Break the remaining two eggs into another bowl and whisk together. Place the plate of breadcrumbs followed by a clean plate beside them – this is your scotch egg production line!

6) Crack the cooked eggs and peel off the shells. Gently does it – they’re soft-boiled, remember! (Unless you’re my mother.) Rinse and dry on kitchen-towel. Toss in flour and shake off any excess.

7) Working one egg at a time, take a ball of sausage meat and flatten it out in the heel of your hand. Place an egg in the centre and then gently envelope in meat, wrapping and pinching the meat until the egg’s completely sealed. Give it a gentle final roll to ensure even coverage.

8) When all of your eggs are covered in pig, roll them in flour, dip them in the beaten egg and then roll them in breadcrumbs. Place them on the clean plate as you complete each one. It’s also advisable to wash your hands each time or your fingers will end up a floury, eggy, bready mess.

9) Heat enough oil in a fryer or pan to just cover the eggs. (Incidentally, I have an electric wok that doubles as a fryer – well worth investing in one of these if you have a crap hob and/or are in denial about your regular deep fat frying needs, as am I.) To test the oil is hot, tear a bit of bread off and drop it in – it should turn golden and crisp in about half a minute.

10) Cook the eggs, I’d say, no more than two at a time for about six or so minutes until they’re golden and crisp all over. Drain on kitchen-towel. Leave to cool if you’re taking them to a picnic or eat warm if you can’t wait.

So as it turned out, it wasn’t him. Or me. It was some girl called Sophie. She’d been on the scene for some time, it seemed. She rocked up at this picnic... And, whaddyaknow, she couldn’t get enough of my scotch eggs – she ate two, I’m told. My memory is a bit hazy if I’m honest, as I spent most of the evening getting angrily drunk from afar watching her and Dom flirt. Coz she couldn’t get enough of Dom either, you see.

Dom didn’t make pains to save a scotch egg for himself before they were all scoffed and was perfectly content with the Asda sausage rolls Sophie had brought (Asda!). Clearly, had Dominic sampled the delights of my scotch eggs rather than Sophie’s reconstituted pig paste in pastry he would be mine, all mine. But some things, children, are simply not meant to be. Unlike Sophie and Dominic, who have been happily dating for the past three years, I believe.

Still, those were some bloody good scotch eggs. ‘Yeah, you can be proud of yourself,’ I reflected as I downed my gazillionth glass of Pimms and revenge-flirted with some random by the name of Stu (also a big fan of the scotch eggs, BTW). ‘Just look at what he’s missing,’ I mused. As I vomited in a bush, cried and had to be escorted home by my mate... Good work, Amy. Good work.

Illustration by Bex Barrow.

Monday, 7 June 2010


Scotch eggs... Need I say more?

Well, I probably should seeing as you’ve come all this way.

His name was Dominic. I liked the idea of a Dominic. The name has a certain something to it, don’t you think? Far superior to your standard, common-or-garden boyfriend names – your Robs, your Dans, your Toms. But not too posh, like a Hugh or a Henry. Or a Percy. The kind of man who might exclaim ‘gosh!’ or ‘crumbs’ as he climaxes and whose parents’ chromosomes met long before they did. Yes, I could see myself with a Dominic. “This is my boyfriend/fiancé/husband (delete as applicable), Dominic”, I’d say. “Dominic’s whisking me away on a long weekend in Devon...” “Dominic’s dropped the kids off at mum’s while we go to Waitrose...”

“Dominic’s taken a restraining order out on me...”

So, yeah, it was all about Dominic for a time there. Until he decided to dump me, that is.

Now, I’m pretty good at getting dumped – or, indeed, doing the dumping – if I do say so myself. Beginnings and endings are my thing. It’s the middle, 'the muddle' – after the high of that sickly sweet start, but before the nauseating sense that the end is nigh sets in – which always seems to elude me. Being dumped is a breeze. For me, it’s expected. Obvious. I pride myself on taking it well – few tears, no drama. When we next bump into each other, it’s all smiles from me ­– the best form of revenge is when they want you back.

And if and when the boot’s on the other foot, I’m happy to do the whole ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ routine. I hate confrontation. Hell, I’ve even been known to claim I’m indefinitely busy until you take the hint. The 12th of never? Nope, afraid I can’t do that date either. Anything other than confess it’s because you’re crap in bed or persist in sporting long hair when you’re going bald beneath.

So I believe you should be mindful of other people’s hearts. But also that there’s a certain etiquette to kicking someone to the curb. So when dear Dominic summoned me to his one Wednesday night, I suspected nothing. He lived in Islington and, I, in Southfields, for Christ’s sake! I was expecting pizza and a mid-week shag. Surely, Dominic wouldn’t – couldn’t – drag me umpteen tube stops across town and back to ditch moi?! But, yes, he could and he would, folks. 24 stops it is from Angel to mine – four-and-twenty long and lonely stops...

By the time I’d reached the corner shop to buy a bottle (or two) of pinot, I’d simultaneously reached breaking point. Taking my vino to the till, I also had the foresight to grab a cucumber (so as to start my obligatory Diet To End All Diets the very next day) as well as request a pack of paracetamol from the shopkeep (for the inevitable hangover that would inevitably inhibit the successful start of the Diet To End All Diets and instead cause me to eat three Danish pastries before noon). The shopkeep eyed my purchases. Two bottles of wine, a cucumber and a box of painkillers... “You’re in for a quite a night,” she observed. “I’ve just been dumped!” I sobbed. “In Islington!” I’m not sure whether that helped or hindered her notions as to what I might have planned for my purchases, but hey-ho.

I had hope. For, you see, it was him and not me. Yep, I was in denial. So when, three weeks and several bottles of wine later, there was talk of a picnic amongst mutual friends, I thought fuck it – what have I got to lose? I’ll bring – nay, make – some scotch eggs. Bring out the big guns. What better proof of my potential wifey credentials than that? What better way to win him back? Homemade scotch eggs.

Next post: recipe and conclusion...

Illustration by Bex Barrow.